yuguang zinc industry co., ltd-w66旗舰厅

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yuguang zinc industry co., ltd

  henan yuguang zinc industry co., ltd. 300,000 tons of zinc project is yuguang group in order to give full play to the advantages of complementary zinc and zinc, adjust the product structure, maximize the comprehensive utilization of resources to improve corporate profitability and market competitiveness and launched s project.   300,000 tons of zinc a 100,000 tons of zinc project was included in henan province and jiyuan city key projects. the total investment of 860 million yuan, in august 2003 to start construction, may 18, 2005 output of the first batch of zinc ingots. 300,000 tons of electricity zinc two 100,000 tons of zinc project a total investment of 880 million yuan, the project currently represents the world's mainstream zinc smelting zinc smelting process, so2 recovery of acid, smelting recovery rate of 95% the impact of small, while the comprehensive recovery of lead, silver, copper, cadmium, cobalt, indium, iron and other 10 kinds of valuable metals. august 8, 2008 completed, september 25 officially put into production, the project from start to completion only lasted 1 year and 3 months. electric zinc two built the first fully enclosed forced ventilation wet zinc electrolysis system, fundamentally solve the zinc smelting industry, zinc workshop environmental problems. the second phase of the main equipment roasting furnace from the installation to the masonry cap, only 133 days, cre...

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