yuguang zinc industry co., ltd-w66旗舰厅

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  it is committed to the development and application of new technologies and new technologies, breaking the key cutting-edge technology, smelting technology and environmental management level in the fields of resources, environment and circular economy, which restrict the development of enterprises. at the forefront of domestic industry, zinc smelting is currently the wet zinc smelting process representing the world's mainstream zinc smelting process.

1、increase the "three wastes" governance, practice green smelting

  construction of buried sewage treatment facilities, sulfuric acid sewage treatment station, integrated sewage treatment station, the use of biological agents, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, electrocoagulation and other wastewater treatment for the depth of reuse, the comprehensive utilization of wastewater utilization rate of 96% a water consumption, saving water resources. the main furnace flue gas is treated by "waste heat boiler electric dust collection two turn two suction acid exhaust gas" and so on. the average concentration of so2 emission is less than 100mg / m3. effluent waste, exhaust gas is better than the national "lead and zinc industrial pollutant discharge standards", and install the online monitoring device and environmental protection departments networking.
construction of a variety of valuable metal recycling production lines, from all kinds of smelting slag refining silver, copper, indium, cadmium, zinc oxide and other products, the material to achieve "eat dry pressing ".

2、the establishment of industry benchmark, the harvest session of praise

  yuguang smelting level and environmental management level has always been at the forefront of the domestic industry, drafting or participating in the development of many domestic lead and zinc smelting industry standards more than 50, as two countries, industry standards of a unit, 11 countries, industry standards of the two units, but also bear the national 863 plan, the national science and technology support program and other projects, access to scientific and technological achievements nearly 200, more than 100 patents.
company in 2003 through the iso14001 environmental management system, in 2010 by the provincial environmental protection agency as a corporate environmental supervisor pilot units, in 2011 by the provincial environmental protection association, henan daily as "the top ten energy-saving emission reduction advanced enterprises", in 2014 by the national development and reform commission , ministry of industry, ministry of environmental protection as "national cleaner production pilot units", in november 2015 by the ministry of environmental protection as "second five energy-saving emission reduction advanced unit." is the first batch of national circular economy pilot units.

  march 2010, the state environmental protection department of science and technology deputy director gao jixi to yuguang research, so praise: "i have such a yugu chinese enterprises and proud of this!" china association of nonferrous metals industry, said: "i am so proud of such a national enterprise in china, yuguang in the practice of environmental protection must be vigorously promoted."
in january 2012, the ministry of environmental protection, deputy director of the ministry of huang huang led the country's 2011 pollution reduction henan verification group, the company's total emissions of major pollutants in 2011 on-site verification, that "yuguang advanced technology, advanced management, advanced on-line detection, with a strong sense of responsibility and the spirit of seeking truth from facts. "he said: as a listed company, regardless of the cost of active in the cause of environmental protection to make such an investment, the attitude is commendable. "