yuguang zinc industry co., ltd-w66旗舰厅

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safe production

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  henan yuguang zinc industry co., ltd. has always adhered to around the "safety first, prevention first, comprehensive management" concept of development, strict implementation of the main corporate responsibility, party and government leadership responsibility, consolidate the bottom line of thinking, strengthen the red line awareness, safe production work. strict implementation of the relevant laws and regulations, norms and standards, the establishment of safety objectives and responsibilities, management agencies, safety culture, to ensure safe investment, strengthen institutional management, education and training, establish and improve the risk of hierarchical management and risk management and management of dual mechanisms, occupational health and emergency management the through the party and government, the above rate of extensive random checks, focus on inspection, severe punishment of the "three in one" normalized hidden trouble inspection mode, a variety of forms of safety education and training, continue to increase security investment, organizational emergency drills and other security management work, to protect the safety of workers, to maintain social stability.
  2012 made the national safety production standardization two enterprise certificate, in 2014 won the "national emergency rescue knowledge contest winning unit", and for many years won the henan province, jiyuan city, the title of advanced production safety units.
